Are you worried that a plumbing emergency is going to ruin the home you’ve worked so hard to maintain?

While there are some types of emergencies in your home that are unavoidable, most plumbing emergencies can be avoided. There are usually many warning signs that your plumbing system will show you, and if you pay close enough attention, you’ll be able to notice. Even the smallest of problems that you may end up ignoring can later turn into a massively expensive problem.

That’s why today, we’ve created this complete guide to help you get a better understanding of how to avoid a plumbing emergency. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Always Get Routine Maintenance

One of the best ways that you can go about avoiding an expensive plumbing emergency is by getting regular maintenance done on your plumbing system. By getting your system regularly looked at by a professional plumber, you’ll know if you have any small problems that could spell out to be big trouble later in the future.

Many homeowners don’t know enough about plumbing to realize if their plumbing system it starting to show problems of malfunctioning while in the early stages. So, they end up stuck, footing the bill for a huge problem later on down the road.

If you want to make sure that you get ahead of any small problems before they turn into big problems, get a routine inspection done.

2. Stop Using Flushable Wipes

One mistake that a lot of homeowners use is that they’re constantly using flushable wipes. These types of wipes end up causing huge problems in a plumbing system. This is because they don’t break down fast enough, so they tend to quickly clog pipes.

If you still want to keep using flushable wipes, stop flushing them down the toilet. Instead, you should start throwing them away in a trash can. 

3. Throw More Stuff Away

Another common mistake that homeowners make is that they pour grease, oil, and other types of fats down the drain in their kitchen. Whenever you take the opportunity to pour any type of grease down the drain, you take the chance of clogging up your pipes.

This is because as the grease cools down, it’ll thicken up and become sticky. As the grease becomes sticky, it’ll attract other debris to stick to it. The more debris that sticks to it, the more likely it becomes that you’re going to have a massive clog to deal with.

4. Drain Your Water Heater

You should also be sure to drain your water heater tank down at least once a year. This is because it’ll remove any build-up of sediment you have in the tank, which will help to prevent rusting later on down the road.

Sediment will collect in your water heater, also causing problems with water heater having difficulty producing as much hot water. It can even cause cracking in the lining of your water heater, which can lead to a large leak.

Learning How to Avoid a Plumbing Emergency

By understanding how to go about avoiding a plumbing emergency, you can take the necessary steps required to keep your home protected from the damage caused by water leaks or burst pipes.

Are you interested in hiring the help of an experienced plumber to fix your plumbing emergency? We’re here to help you. Click here to contact us today to fix your plumbing emergency.